Welcome to Delta Little League - Home of the Eagles!
Location: 1401 E Royerton Rd, Muncie, IN 47303 (Royerton Elementary School)
Delta Little League serves multiple school districts: Delta, Wes-Del, Yorktown, and parts of Muncie. Follow this link to find out if your address is in our boundary.
All players are welcome to register and play during our regular Little League season whether or not you live within our boundary. If your player hopes to play on the district all-star team, certain criteria must be met or a waiver process (takes ~1 year) must be completed
See "Registration" under the Delta Little League tab for more details on tournament team eligibility
Delta Little League includes 4 divisions. We follow Little League International league ages - Follow this link to find out your child's league age.
Thanks for visiting our page!
Registration the Spring 2025 Season is OPEN!
Rookie (coach Pitch), Minor, and Major Division registration is from Friday, 1/3/25 through Sunday, 2/23/25
Tee-Ball Registration is from Friday, 1/3/25 through Monday, 3/31/25
Visit leagues.bluesombrero.com/delta to register
If this is your first time registering a child, you must create a username and password
Please double-check to make sure your contact info is correct. Incorrect contact info will result in missed messages!
We highly recommend joining our Facebook page, which is updated regularly during baseball season.
All players registered under Rookie, Minor, and Major Divisions should plan to attend their Skills Assessment date/time (see Important Dates). Those that do not attend will not be properly evaluated - causing players to be distributed unevenly and unfairly
Tee Ball players do not need to attend the skills assessment
League age 6 year-olds planning on playing coaches' pitch (Rookie League) must attend skills assessment to be evaluated by our Player Agent to determine if player can safely participate
League age 6 year-olds that struggle with basic skills or focus such that it would endanger them in Rookie League will be asked to play tee ball. Decisions made by the player agent are final.